Friday, September 16, 2011

Magnificent Ceratosoma magnificum!

The person who named Ceratosoma magnificum certainly had the right idea. Spotting this relatively large species at Terrigal Haven sent my excitement levels through the roof.


Ceratosoma magnificum is easily identifiable by the row of 3 upwards-facing pustules running along the centre of the mantle. The smallest slightly anterior to the rhinophores and the largest just in front of the brown-white gills.

The white margin with vivid blue and yellow is also a giveaway that you are viewing Ceratosoma magnificum. The foot of this individual was a deep purple with yellow spots.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Port Jackson shark project update #1

The project is looking great so far!

After a week or two of bad visibility I was finally able to get out into the water again to take some images. Pulling on the neoprene (my relatively new Neptune Dry Ice wetsuit!) is always a good feeling. Couple that with the amazing feeling of seeing 15+ Port Jackson sharks each dive on my last three research dives - yeah, it's good.

So the data gathering stage of my project is sailing along pretty smoothly at the moment. I haven't set myself a benchmark or limit on how many photographs I am looking to acquire (yet). I'm sure as the project develops I will get overwhelmed by shark images! Especially when every shot comprises the same orientation and subject matter (see below)!

Hopefully I'll be able to schedule a regular dive on Friday afternoons after uni has finished to increase my dataset of images. Finding a dive buddy for the Friday dives looks promising, with some of my uni mates becoming certified divers.

I'm really enjoying this project and depending on the results I may look at taking it further...

Check out to read what this project is about.

Stay tuned for more information and results!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New Port Jackson shark Project

I've recently started a project looking at the possible uses of natural markings to identify individual Port Jackson sharks - Heterodontus portusjacksonii.

From my preliminary results it looks as if the project will be quite successful.

I have played around with a program called StripeSpotter and had a little bit of success. I am now trialling some software that is used to analyse manta rays, whale sharks and great white sharks - I3S Manta.

Stay tuned for my results. Also, anyone who is doing similar research, I'd love to hear from you. Please get in contact and we can network and share experiences.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

HMAS Adelaide

It's been a while since I posted a blog. Just so you loyal followers know (all 4 of you) I have not lost my interest in nudibranchs! I just haven't seen many recently...

I dived the HMAS Adelaide recently and I thought I'd share a few photos.

Also, if you are interested in an uplifting website. Check out my Bucket List website -