Friday, September 16, 2011

Magnificent Ceratosoma magnificum!

The person who named Ceratosoma magnificum certainly had the right idea. Spotting this relatively large species at Terrigal Haven sent my excitement levels through the roof.


Ceratosoma magnificum is easily identifiable by the row of 3 upwards-facing pustules running along the centre of the mantle. The smallest slightly anterior to the rhinophores and the largest just in front of the brown-white gills.

The white margin with vivid blue and yellow is also a giveaway that you are viewing Ceratosoma magnificum. The foot of this individual was a deep purple with yellow spots.


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  2. I am a Sydney-based underwater photographer and I had captured a Nudibranch in Sipadan. You may have a look at it:

    See link for more underwater photos:
